Threat Hunting
Proactively hunt for cybersecurity threats that may exist in your networks, systems, and other IT infrastructure.
A Proactive Approach to Cybersecurity
Our threat hunting expertise includes building advanced correlation queries and analytics of millions of logs to pinpoint anomalous or suspicious activity, analyzing emails, packet captures, and other network data at scale, collecting and analyzing threat intelligence (going beyond vendor feeds), and deploying commercial and custom tools tailored for effective threat hunt methodologies at our clients.
We do not rely on signatures for known malware or static indicators of compromise, and instead focus on proactively identifying adversary tools, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) at all relevant stages of the cyber attack kill chain in order to significantly reduce the time to detection and disrupt attacks before it is too late. Our Threat Hunting services can also readily support and complement your other cybersecurity needs.
Threat Hunting Training
Sign Up Today!
Cavalier is proud to offer our Threat Hunting with the Elastic Stack workshop. Our team has been honored to present this workshop at DEF CON, CircleCityCon, BSides, and other cybersecurity conferences. If you're interested in learning hands-on threat hunting skills, we encourage you to sign up today.
Contact Us
Let’s Work Together
Phone Number:
Email Address:
365 Appalachian Lane,
Zion Crossroads, VA 22942